ASUE - University of My Dreams: Main University of Economics Hosted Hundreds of Applicants, Launching Professional Orientation Events

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Today was an unforgettable one for a group of ASUE applicants under the warm walls of their favorite University: "Open Day at ASUE" brought together a number of high school pupils and college students in Armenia. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Director of the Department of External Relations Lusine Danielyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee Grigor Nazaryan, ASUE staff members, President of Student Council Gor Melik-Sahakyan and students, welcomed the applicants at ASUE Big Hall.

Diana Galoyan started her speech with a special greeting; "If you have decided to become an economist, the only right choice is ASUE, and if you have not decided yet, then as a result of today's meeting, I am sure you will choose ASUE."

“"40% of our Bachelor’s degree students are involved in the working process, which means that they gain practical knowledge in parallel with theoretical one at the University"; Diana Galoyan stated.

See the whole publication at the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division