Participation in informative and memorable summer school

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Researcher at AMBERD Research Center, PhD student at the Chair of Statistics Astghik Hovhannisyan and ASUE students participated in the summer school organized by “Higher School of Economics” National University of Economics entitled "Challenges for Emerging Economy" on August 1-10.
Deputy Director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture Atsamaz Bichenov and Director of the Yerevan Branch of the Russian Economic University after G. V. Plekhanov Tamara Vardanyan delivered welcoming speeches at the opening ceremony. The Summer School included various topics such as political economy, innovative economy, banking system and financial risks and so on. Participants also got practical skills to work with R, Rstudio and Gephi programs, to prepare and submit group projects, and 2 of them were invited to participate in the "Kind" fund. You can find more about the content of all courses here.
The participants are impressed by the dedication of the organizers and lecturers to their work. Participants and lecturers worked both in the classrooms and at home during the 10 days of the summer school.
It should be noted that the summer school was organized without any funding, exclusively on voluntary basis. We want to thank all the lecturers, as well as the organizer, ASUE graduate of 2013, Zaruhi Hakobyan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division