Presentation of Armenian Investment Research Project in National Assembly

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On May 22, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on the initiative of the journalists covering the economic sphere organized the launch of the survey titled “The Investment Environment of Armenia, the Legal Field and the Existing Problems  in the National Assembly”. The event was carried out with the support of the Regional Program Political Dialogue: South Caucasus of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung/Foundation.

The Executive Director at the Economic Journalists’ Club Anna Baghdasaryan noted that through many years different events had been carried out with the support of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung/Foundation, trying to voice the problems and achievements of the economic sphere. According to her, the survey can be a platform for the economists, a guide for the young scientists being involved in the economy and the state servants.

According to the Head of the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Caucasus of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung/Foundation (KAS) Thomas Schrapel, a theme presenting a challenge is touched upon in the survey. He thanked the organizers of the event, highlighting its holding in the legislative body of the country. Thomas Schrapel has reaffirmed the commitment of the KAS in the cooperation and has noted that the cooperation with the Armenian side is effective.

The Deputy Chair of the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Artak Manulyan, who is also one of the authors of the survey underlined that the study touched upon 4 key problems: international comparativeness, problems of the investment potential in Armenia, their factual executive and legal regulation.

The Head of the Chair of Statistics of the Armenian State University of Economics, the Expert of the NGO National Center for Public Policy Studies, the author of the survey Armen Ktoyan detailed the goals and directions of the study, presented the general observations of the investment environment, the factors impeding on the business environment, touched upon state-private partnership relations and the problems of the special economic zones.

After the presentation, a discussion was held, questions were raised, as well as Vahagn Khachatryan, economists, expert, who is also a member of ASUE Board, Ashot Osipyan, Chairman of the Board of "Araratbank", made speeches evaluating the research, emphasizing its importance.

P.S. The photos are submitted from the RA NA official website and Konrad-Adenauer Facebook page.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division