Tomasz Bober was Hosted at ASUE

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On June 21-25, Tomasz Bober, Professor at Cracow University of Economics (Poland), was hosted at ASUE within the frames of “Erasmus +” international program. During an one-week-working visit, Bober lectured at ASUE, met with academic staff members, the staff of AMBERD Research Center and Foreign Relations Division, exchanging experience and reaching agreements aimed at expanding inter-university cooperation.

The lecture on "E-Commerce", delivered on June 21, was within the frames of "E-Business Planning" course.

Tomasz Bober touched upon the modern market relations, the need for innovative approaches in the business world, the development trends of digital marketing, the peculiarities of presenting business in the online domain. The meeting was interactive.

The Polish lecturer got acquainted with ASUE scientific-research activity in AMBER research center. Gayane Tovmasyan, senior researcher of the Center, presented the directions of research activities, then the Center's researchers discussed the prospects of joint research.

Bober's meeting with the lecturers was summed up with the readiness to establish a new cooperation. The young scientists of our University presented the scope of their scientific interests, Tomasz Bober promised to guide his colleagues to ASUE in order to prepare joint articles.

A group of lecturers of ASUE Chair of Business Administration had a professional discussion with Bobber, talking about the curricula of the two Universities.

Lecturers Grisha Amirkhanyan and Hayk Bejanyan discussed a number of issues of interest.

At the Department of External Relations Tomasz Bober got acquainted with ASUE involvement in international programs, highlighted the cooperation between two Economic Universities.

According to the staff of the International Relations Division of our University, Tomasz Bober leaves Armenia and ASUE with warm feelings, with a great desire to keep in touch, cooperate and visit again.

P.S. The photos are taken on different meeting days.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division