President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan has lectured at ASUE

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President of Armenia, Chairman of ASUE Board Vahagn Khachaturyan has lectured at ASUE on “Modern perceptions of the role of the state” at Armenian State University of Economics. Students, lecturers, and employees were waiting for the President at the University of Economics.

Rector Diana Galoyan has welcomed everybody and pointed out that Vahagn Khachaturyan visited ASUE in this format for the first time and assured that we are always waiting for him as he is a leader of the country and university and an economist as well.

The president expressed his gratitude to those present and pointed out that it is a huge responsibility for him as a speaker to stand in front of the audience where his lecturers, friends and partners are.

Vahagn Khachaturyan pointed out that it was topical to address the role of the state during Covid-19 pandemic, the economic consequences of which are not fully overcome but our country managed to have economic successes during this process.

During the lecture, the President spoke about the regulating role of the state, state-market relations, state symbols, challenges of current times and other issues.

At the end of the meeting, the President answered the students’ questions that referred to the national ideology and shadow government and assured those present that he is always ready to meet and exchange ideas about economic regulation as well as hold debates about it.

“Own your life, property, freedom and do not demand from the state other’s life, property or freedom” RA President Vahagn Khachaturyan finalized his speech.