Published the 36th Volume of the Series of AMBERD

21.12.2020 Amberd
View count: 623

On the recommendation of ASUE Scientific Board, the 36th volume of the series of AMBERD entitled “Development of a Model of Socio-economic Development of the Shirak Region of the RA” was published. This volume presents the results of a study of the same name. The head of the research group is Doctor of Sciences, Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations Zoya Tadevosyan, the consultant of the research group is PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Vahe Bulanikyan, (members: PhDs in Economics, Associate Professors Karen Petrosyan, Tadevos Avetisyan, Gayane Salnazaryan, Garib Harutyunyan,  Lusya Galoyan, Ruben Gantarchyan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Albert Hayrapetyan, Ph.D in Economics Armen Markosyan, postgraduate student Liana Isayan, Master’s degree student Hamlet Mkrtchyan). The volume was edited by the director of AMBERD Research Center, Doctor of Scineces, Professor David Hakhverdyan.

The study can be useful for undergraduate and graduate students interested in topical issues of economic policy in the region. The volume is available at the active link.

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