New Initiative by the Chair of Management – Launching a Series of Master Classes

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ASUE Chair of Management launches a new series of master classes conducted by experienced professionals. Today the first master class on “Change Management” was conducted by Karen Sargsyan, Management and Development Consultant, PENTA Development Consulting Company. Dozens of students were interested in the meeting

First, Karen Sargsyan got acquainted with the attendees, then introduced the topic material, noting that the "Change Management" course is a learning material that is internationally recognized.

"Today the world is rapidly changing and its causes are dozens, starting from the development of information technology. And this causes a situation when organizations are constantly changing, so it's time to manage them to achieve results. In this regard, the role of professionals involved in change management is of great importance”; Karen Sargsyan noted.

The speaker introduced the concept of change management, definition, improvement of organizations through process research (Kurt Lewin's Theory), 7 fundamental processes, as well as 7 elements of the organization's activities, according to the Trigon Development Consulting Company.

Ashot Mardoyan, acting Chair of Management, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, presented the initiative while talking with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, commenting on the Chair’s approach. “The Chair of Management initiates master classes, aimed at conveying the necessary practical knowledge to students by the leaders or representatives of leading organizations. In the near future, we will have such events, and from the new academic year they will be more frequent. In parallel we plan to visit different organizations and in this respect we already have certain agreements. We hope that these initiatives will be useful for our students and alumni"; Ashot Mardoyan stated.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division