Economics essay competition in economics at ASUE has united future economists from all regions of the Republic

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The only schoolchild of the 12th grade of Artanish secondary school from Gegharkunik region Anna Gharibyan visited Armenian State University of Economics for the first time. Anna has come here to participate in the republican economics essay competition announced by ASUE. Anna has always dreamed of studying at the University of Economics and she decided to participate in it as soon as found out about the essay competition.

One month ago, Anna won in an essay competition that was organized by “1+1” newsletter of Gegharkunik region on the topic “If I were…” where Anna confessed on her desire to become an economist.

“Our school director told me about the competition and advised me to participate in it taking into account the fact that I want to enter this university”- Anna confessed while talking to us.

About 8 dozens of the 12th grade schoolchildren from different regions of Armenia were at ASUE together with Anna. Syunik, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Shirak, Tavush: the geography of our participants is rather broad, the goal is precise and the desire to win is real.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan welcomed the participants and wished them success in the competition.

“This type of competition is organized at ASUE for the second time. This is an excellent opportunity for you because if you win and enter the University of Economics, besides all the special prizes, you will get money prizes as well. And your participation in the competition demonstrates the fact that you have already made your decision to become an economist and the choice is Armenian State University of Economics being the main cradle preparing economists” – ASUE Rector pointed out.

The topics were chosen randomly, including: “Nature protection or economic development” and “National economics and globalization: how to reap benefits”. The participants were given 120 minutes to develop their essays.

In the meanwhile, Diana Galoyan had meetings with applicants’ parents, answered their questions on ASUE application process, specializations, study programs, scholarships, and existing discount systems.

The winners of the economics essay competition will be identified by the commission consisting 5 members from ASUE academic staff and the results will be announced on April 1.

Students winning the first 3 places in the competition, if they enter ASUE, will get a scholarship of 100,000 Armenian drams each as well as some special prizes will be available.

For detailed information, please follow the link in Armenian.