Deputy Director of AMBERD Participated in Online Discussion Club of "Brussels Dialogue"

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On April 17, Dr. Vardan Atoyan - Deputy Director-Senior Expert of AMBERD Research Center, participated in Discussion Club "World Order vs Global Disorder"  organized by Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brussels  and Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund.

Vardan Atoyan noted that the event of the International Online Discussion Club was held within the framework of “Brussels Dialogue” international project.

“Alexei Fenenko, a well-known political scientist, Doctor in Political Science, PhD in History, Associate Professor at School of world politics of MSU,  was the keynote speaker.

Here  are the topics for discussion:

  • Coronavirus as an Accelerator: Rules and Norms of the Modern World Order,  Is There a Balance of Power?
  • The Agenda of International Relations in Coronavirus Conditions,
  • Coronavirus: an Emergency or an Opportunity for the World Order?
  • World Disorder and Confrontation or World Order and Cooperation?
  • Steps Towards International Cooperation.

Vardan Atoyan stated that after the introductory speech of the keynote speaker, many questions were raised, important discussion was held, opinions and thoughts were exchanged. "Participation in the discussion was very useful and a great opportunity to present the potential of our center to foreign partners while discussing the future of the world".

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