Lecturers at the Chair of Languages Attended Training Course

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On April 15-23, another training course, among professional training programs of the teaching staff of the Armenian State University of Economics, has been organized, which was conducted by Lilit Bekaryan, holder of international CELTA, DELTA qualification, as well as a highly qualified specialist with international certificates of teachers’ training, Associate Professor at the Chair of Intercultural Communication, YSU, Ph.D in Philology.

Considering that the Chair employs specialists teaching different languages (Armenian, Russian, English, French, German), a topic uniting all specialists was chosen for the training: "Modern Approaches to Language Teaching".

Our colleagues noted that the start of the training was marked by the welcoming speech of Lusine Harutyunyan, Head of the Chair of Languages, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, who warmly welcomed the participants, expressing hope that the knowledge gained during the training will greatly contribute to more effective work of the lecturers.

The trainings were held online on the ZOOM platform, at the end of the course the participants were awarded certificates.

"The effective course of the training was the best evidence that the lecturers of ASUE Chair of Languages are ready to improve their skills continuously. Thanks to the skilled, experienced specialist conducting the training, they had the opportunity to get acquainted with new, modern teaching methods, to update their knowledge, to acquire new skills”; Lilit Hakobyan, a lecturer at the Chair, noted.

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