The Year-end Sitting of ASUE Scientific Board

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Today, ASUE Scientific Board held the year-end sitting headed by Diana  Galoyan, Rector, Chair of the Board.

At the beginning of the sitting, Armen Grigoryan, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, congratulated Diana Galoyan on her appointment as ASUE Rector by the RA Government decree, then congratulated the staff, thanked them for their patient, dedicated and united work during the difficult period. He confidently mentioned that under the leadership of Diana Galoyan the University of Economics will reach new horizons of development.

Welcoming the members of the Scientific Board, Diana Galoyan thanked the staff for their support and dedicated work, especially emphasized the role of Armen Grigoryan in the proper management of the University during the difficult period. ASUE Rector emphasized that although the passing year was difficult, but she is determined to invest all her efforts in the development and progress of the University. Diana Galoyan expressed hope that ASUE will become the best educational institution, then added that in order to achieve success, the atmosphere of solidarity and devotion in which they have worked recently should not be shaken.

Then, the Scientific Board approved the agenda, but before that, one issue was included in the agenda - the annual report of the Student Council, which was approved.

The reported and discussed issues are  available in the Armenian version.

Summing up the sitting, the Head of the University congratulated the members of the Scientific Board on the coming New Year, wished health, peace, mentioned that a difficult period is ahead, but we should try to overcome the crisis with united forces, to implement the progress programs of the native University.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division