The Year-end Issue of TNTESAGET - Online: It Is About Courage And Faith, Education And Work

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The year 2020 is coming to an end, a year full of difficult tests.

ASUE staff takes part in the memorial service in memory of the students and graduates who died in the Artsakh war and the teachers who passed away in 2020. This is described on the second page of the cover of “Tntesaget” magazine.

The losses are irreplaceable, but we need to find the strength and move forward: this is stated in the message of the Rector Diana Galoyan. Her appeal is a call for unity and coordinated and effective work. The magazine also informs its readers that by the decree of the RA Government Diana Galoyan was approved as the ASUE Rector. We congratulate the esteemed rector, wish her success in her work and express our readiness of jint  activity.

All articles of the magazine in the online format are  available via  the  active  link.

Happy reading!

ASUE Media a nd Public Relations Division