ASUE has welcomed all the students

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University of Economics has announced the beginning of the new academic year and festive mood was in the air.

According to the tradition, members of ASUE Student Council welcomed the freshmen at the gate of the university and led them to the courtyard, where ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, vice-rectors, deans, and professors welcomed them.

Greeting colleagues and students on the occasion of the start of the 2023/2024 academic year the rector addressed the freshmen: "You have come to the big ASUE family and I assure you that you will acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities, but you should also demonstrate high sense of responsibility and aspiration," Diana Galoyan pointed out.

After greeting the students and employees in the courtyard of the university, Rector Diana Galoyan visited and congratulated the students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics and ASUE College of Finance and Economics.

You can see the photo series of this festive event on ASUE Facebook page.