Year-end Conference of ARARAT Project

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On December 21-22, 2018, Aghveran hosted a two-day-outgoing conference on “Obstacles and Development Trends of University-Employer Mutually Beneficial Cooperation: Sustainability and Continuity of ARARAT Project” under “Independent Statehood as a Development Background of a Higher Education System” heading. It’s initiated by ASUE Quality Assurance Division aimed at ARARAT project awareness, dissemination of the outcomes achieved and ensuring continuity and sustainability (Armenian Coordination Agency “University - Employer” (“ARARAT”)), № 530321-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMHES).
The conference was attended by ARARAT project’s Armenian partner institutions: representatives of Ministry of Education and Science of the RA, National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation, Armenian State Pedagogical University, Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) University, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, NPUA Vanadzor Branch, Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan, Gavar State University, Goris State University, Republican Union of Employers of Armenia, National Student Association of Armenia, employers and other stakeholders.
During the first day of conference which was dedicated to introduction of sectoral qualification framework, the methodology for creating a qualification framework developed within ARARAT project and qualifications according to the labor market requirements, finalization tools were presented.
University-labor market national network of the RA created within the framework of the project and the experience of applying a new model of the University-employer dialogue developed by ANQA and its basic principles were presented during the second day discussion on “University-Labor Market Cooperation Mechanisms”.
P.S. ARARAT project aimed at ameliorating the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers cooperation nexus in Armenia.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division