Research of Educational Process and Technologies

“Amberd” Research Center is directly involved in the development of mechanisms for ensuring and improving the quality of the educational process in ASUE, monitoring the educational process and studying educational technologies used in foreign universities, as well as in working out various professional educational programs.

This has enabled us to accumulate experience in the fields of education market, labor market and educational process research, as well as in the areas of development of professional educational programs and educational technologies.

Particularly, by the efforts of the researchers of our Center the undergraduate educational programs have been improved, an efficient system of information provision for the process of quality assurance has been developed and introduced, which enables to monitor the educational process of the University regularly and to adapt and practise the experience of leading foreign universities in it. The center has also conducted a number of fundamental research on this matter: a complex research of the practice of Armenian and foreign universities was carried out and the possibility of its application in the ASUE was assessed, a complex research of the RA higher professional education market was realized and  the state of the interactions of the latter with the labor market was clarified, as a result, mechanisms for monitoring the educational process, labor market and education market were elaborated.

We would like to mention that our research is conducted based not only on the official statistical data, but also on the observations, expert and sociological surveys done by “Amberd” Research Center.

Experienced and highly qualified researchers in the fields of economics, statistics, education management and education quality assurance work in our programs or are involved as researchers.

Currently, in the research field of educational process and technologies “Amberd” is specialized in the following areas:

- monitoring educational and labor markets;

- benchmarking professional education programs of foreign educational institutions;

- benchmarking the educational process and teaching technologies in foreign educational institutions;

- monitoring the educational process;

- student surveys introduction;

- development and introduction of mechanisms for ensuring the quality of the educational process;

- development of professional education programs.