Reports of the deans, competition for the position of the head of chair, discussion of educational and scientific issues: a regular session of ASUE Scientific Council has taken place

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The last session of the 2021/2022 academic year of the Scientific Council of Armenian State University of Economics has taken place. Deans of the faculty of Accounting and Audit Meri Badalyan, dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics Sos Khachikyan presented their reports. The deans presented all the activities carried out by the faculties, academic performance of the students, indicators of publications of the academic staff and some issues connected with the slowdown of academic staff renewal, scarcity of publications academic journals with high impact factor and in case of the Faculty of Accounting and Audit, the lack of classrooms. The Scientific Council has considered the reports of the deans acceptable and approved them and Rector Diana Galoyan pointed out that as a result of this year’s excellent level of admission at ASUE, the lack of classrooms will be an issue in all the faculties.

Afterwards, Chairman of the Competition Commission affiliated to the Scientific Council, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, ASUE honorary head of chair Aram Sargsyan reported on the competition to fill the vacant position of the Head of the Chair of Higher Mathematics followed by the presentation of the 5 year development program by the Associate Professor of the Chair, PhD in Physics and Mathematics Hayk Kamalyan who applied for the vacant position of head of the chair of Higher Mathematics. Hayk Kamalyan pointed out that he has been working at ASUE since 2014 and presented his ideas on chair development, highlighted the necessity to modernize the study programs, inclusion of young specialists, quality increase and implementation of training courses etc. The Scientific Council in closed secret ballot has elected Hayk Kamalyan as Head of the Chair of Higher Mathematics and the rector congratulated the newly-elected head and added that she attaches importance to the effective organization of activities of the chair and inclusion of the best specialists.

Then, the Scientific Council in open ballot awarded the title of the Honorary Head of Chair of ASUE to the Doctor of Economics, Professor Ashot Tavadyan, approved the regulations of number of positions of deputy deans and ancillary staff, approved the temporary regulations of master’s degree academic group formation and principles of academic staff inclusion etc.

Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of ASUE Armen Grigoryan presented the results of final attestation of full-time bachelor’s and master’s students of the 2021/2022 academic year. The report was accepted by the Scientific Council.

Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan presented the results of annual attestation of post-graduate students that were approved. The Scientific Council has also recommended 9 research monographs carried out within the frames of competition announced by Amberd Research Center as well as recommended to publish the course-book English for Economists – 2 for students studying economics developed by the Head of the Chair of Languages, Doctor of Philology, Professor Lusine Harutyunyan, Associate Professors, PhD in Philology Susanna Chalabyan and Armine Grigoryan and Assistant Professor Kristina Torgomyan.

In the end, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan wished a productive and refreshing vacation to the members of the Scientific Council and hoped that the new academic year will be full of new and creative ideas and the staff will be more productive.