Visit to Tsenov Academy of Economics within the frames of Erasmus+

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On June 20-26, Head of the Chair of ASUE Mathematical Methods in Economics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Yevgenya Bazinyan within the frames of academic staff mobility program of Erasmus+ visited D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics in Svishtov, Bulgaria.

During the visit, Yevgenya Bazinyan lectured on “Time series analysis and forecast by means of R software package”, got acquainted with academic staff and leadership representatives of the Academy of Economics.

During the business meetings, they arranged to carry our joint research and organize mutual visits.

At Tsenov Academy of Economics, Yevgenya Bazinyan had met ASUE exchange student Hasmik Ghambaryan who studies there within the frames of Erasmus+ program.

Yevgenia Bazinyan added that the Academy highly assesses ASUE exchange students that have studied there in previous years and study there currently.