Tour and Presentation of the "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Training" Course Within the Frames of eDrone Project (photos)

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On February 27, the presentation of "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Training” course and tour around the OED (Office for Education for Drone) laboratory created within the frames of eDrone project at National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) was held for all stakeholders.

Vadim Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Marketing, Lilit Dadayan, Advisor to ASUE Rector, Associate Professor at the Chair of Marketing, Sona Matinyan, Head of International Relations Division, Arpine Jraghatspanyan, Chief Specialist of the same Division and a number of ASUE students attended the meeting.

International Relations Division stated that NPUA and ASUE representatives presented the topics, schedule and other details of the "UAV Training" course, as well as took a tour around the laboratory, told about the various civilian uses of UAVs, their technical capabilities, and answered the questions.

At the end of the event, some of the students have already registered for the 2nd "UAV Training" course, which will launch on March 2. See the publication regarding the first course.

Let’s recall, eDrone is a project funded by “Erasmus +”, launched in October 15, 2016. The aim of eDrone is to define a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the use of drone technologies in professional activities.

More information regarding the project is available at the Official ICT Platform and “International Programs”, ASUE official website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division