A Two-day-online Workshop on Knowledge/Technology Transfer

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On March 11-12, ASUE initiated an online workshop on knowledge/Technology transfer within “Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” project, which was attended by Karen Trchunyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Scince, Culture and Sports of the RA, Diana Galoyan, ASUE Rector, ASUE scholars and researchers, collaborators, representatives of the RA research infrastructure/academic institutions, foreign universities and SMEs.

Diana Galoyan, Karen Trchunyan, Bagrat Grigoryan, Acting Director of the CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute made opening remarks.

Diana Galoyan mentioned that ASUE is the coordinator of “Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” project, expressed hope that the project can play a great role for the development of SMEs, it aims to intensify cooperation between SMEs and research infrastructures in Armenia and Georgia.

Welcoming the participants of the workshop, Deputy Minister Karen Trchunyan stressed the need to discuss the topic, even online, and expressed hope that after the end of the workshop productive  researches will be carried  out due to effective cooperation between partners. "The need to turn knowledge into results is a priority in Armenia today. The researches done in the laboratories remain in the laboratories. This is a great problem which needs to be solved urgently".

Bagrat Grigoryan highlighted the workshop in terms of establishing a dialogue between research institutes and SMEs.

Arpine Jraghatspanyan, Chief Specialist of ASUE International Relations Division, spoke briefly about the essence of the mentioned project, goals, current results, forthcoming activities and expected final outcomes.

The speeches that formed the main part of the workshop were based on the presentation of the European experience.

The first speaker on March 11 was Eva Janouškovcová, Director of the Technology Transfer Office at Masaryk University, who spoke on "Exploitation of Intellectual Property. Knowledge and technology transfer in practice".

The other speaker was Peter Čižmár, Technical University of Košice, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property Protection, spoke on “Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Slovakia and at the Technical University of Košice”

Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Silesian University of Technology, Head of International Center for Interdisciplinary Research, spoke on “Examples of good practice in product commercialization: from idea to implementation. A spin-off company”.

Active question and answer session was held after each speech.

At the end of the workshop, Pavol Lipovský, Technical University of Košice, Associate Professor, conducted a practical discussion with the participants, focusing on the specifics of the construction of research projects.

The workshop continued on March 12. In her welcoming speech, Arpine Jraghatspanyan emphasized that the previous speeches were impressive, the cooperation fruitful.

The first speaker was Markéta Vlasáková, Masaryk University, Intellectual Property Manager, who spoke on “Intellectual property rights and what they are good for”.

Pavol Lipovský, Associate Professor at Technical University of Košice, presented “Applied Research Projects in Slovakia. Success Stories Related to Knowledge and Technology Transfer”.

Zygmunt Łukaszczyk Silesian University of Technology, Director of Continuing Education Centre, spoke on “Examples of good practice in product commercialization by example: services: from idea to sale and implementation”.

The speakers summed up their speeches with an active discussion.

Thus, the workshop provided relevant knowledge to its 2 target groups: research centers and SMEs.

More information regarding the project is available at the website, Facebook page of the project.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division