Study of Commodity Markets in the Framework of Cooperation with SCPEC

15.03.2021 Amberd
View count: 587

On March 12, the RA State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) announced the results of the study carried out jointly with ASUE AMBERD Research Center in the field of wheat flour circulation. talked with ASUE Vice-Rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan about the mentioned research, as well as the cooperation with SCPEC. The Vice-Rector mentioned that the Commission offered our University to conduct a study of the wheat flour markets of the Republic of Armenia. The research was conducted jointly by AMBERD Research Center and SCPEC.

Read the whole text at the Armenian version.

Let’s recall, ASUE and SCPEC Committee signed a memorandum of cooperation in November, 2019. The above-mentioned research was carried out within the framework of this cooperation.

"Our partnership with the Commission is effective and presupposes continuity"; Tatul Mkrtchyan stated.

The study will be available on ASUE official website soon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division