52nd issue of Amberd Series is online

05.10.2022 Amberd
View count: 345

The 52nd issue of Amberd research series on “Problems of Employment Provision and State Regulation in the Republic of Armenia” is ready and you can find its electronic version on ASUE official website.

Research authors are Zoya Tadevosyan (research team leader), Tadevos Avetisyan, Arman Sargsyan, Tatevik Mkrtchyan, Diana Matevosyan and Kamo Davtyan (research team members).

The authors within the frames of the research have studied the new trends in the RA employment sphere and labor market due to COVID – 19 pandemic and Artsakh 44-day long war, the current state policy of the RA employment and assessed the potential directions for its improvements based on the expert analysis of state programs.

The research team has offered new, program solutions for state assistance of labor market and employment in Armenia that will enable to resist current challenges especially increasing the effectiveness of state employment programs in the sphere of employment regulation.