The 65th research of the "Amberd" series is online

06.10.2023 Amberd
View count: 243

The electronic version of the new research of "Amberd" series on «Research of staff list development of RA higher educational institutions, the determination of the proportion of position and official rates» is on ASUE official website.

The authors of the research are Vahe Bulanikyan (head of the research team), Lala Khojian, Mary Simonyan, and Hasmik Manukyan (members of the research team).

The issues of observation of the organizational structure in universities, development of staff lists, determination of the official rates and introduction of new systems were considered within the frames of this research.

During the research carried out, the experience of universities of several countries was studied, the appropriate methodology was developed, and the best examples were highlighted to further introduce them to RA universities.