At the end of the initial round of admissions, ASUE has applications from 1,918 prospective students

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The registration period for the joint entrance examinations for the full-time bachelor's degree program at the Armenian State University of Economics for the academic year 2024-2025 concluded on May 10. The outcome of this process revealed a total of 1,918 applicants, representing a 15% increase compared to the first-round application process for the previous academic year of 2023-2024 (in the case of a 7% increase in the overall number of RA applicants). Additionally, the Gyumri branch of the university received 157 applicants, constituting 15% of the total applicant population who have opted for one of ASUE's specialties.

Moreover, there has been a notable surge in the preference for ASUE's specialties in Mathematics and Statistics and Information Technology (IT) among applicants.

We extend our cordial invitation to all prospective students to join us at the Armenian State University of Economics.

We should highlight the following:

  • ASUE ranks among the three largest universities in Armenia and has consistently held the second position in terms of enrollment over the past five years.
  • ASUE's programs are aligned with the top ten most sought-after professions in the Armenian labor market.
  • ASUE's study programs are designed and implemented in collaboration with huge employers in Armenia.