Applied Statistics and Data Science: the 6th Master’s Degree Program at ASU

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Dear applicants,

"Applied Statistics and Data Science" is among the new Master's degree programs to be introduced at ASUE next year. It was developed as a result of a thorough analysis of the successful experience of several top Universities in the United States and Europe in the fields of data science, applied statistics and business analysis.

New Master's degree program will be implemented:

  • in cooperation with employers,
  • 1,5 years,\with the involvement of the best specialists in the field,
  • using the latest teaching methods,
  • three times a week,
  • after 18:00 in the evening,
  • internship in the employers' organizations.

Dear applicants,

the details of the program will be available throughout the year at the "Admission" section of ASUE official website ( See details of the "Applied Statistics and Data Science” Master's degree program.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division