April 7 is celebrated as Mother’s and Beauty Day

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Spring days are diverse: you can find our publications dedicated to women, there are reviews and portraits, reports, photo series, as well as female scientists-pedagogues and female administrative personnel introduce themselves in a unique way, underlining their excellent human and professional qualities. Each new heroine leads the reader to appreciate this new female nature, endowed with qualities of a scientist-researcher, pedagogue-lecturer, or administrative leader.

Women working at our university have obtained different professions (of course, economists dominate at our university), even several professions, as well as many additional fields of interests: they are beautiful, modern...

Most of them have the most important "profession" as well- they are Mothers.

On the occasion of April 7, we would be delighted to highlight the privilege women possess and distinguish the fact that every day, in chairs, dean's offices, and other administrative units, they perform their job duties, and later, no matter how exhausted they are, they hurry home to feed, educate, raise and nurture their children.

Dear mothers, women, and girls, we congratulate you on April 7, the holiday dedicated to Mother’s and Beauty Day. May your future springs start in a peaceful country, and let mothers never feel sad or exhausted.