ASUE‒Zwickau University of Applied Sciences: new master's degree program has been launched

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Today, students from the University of Economics had an opportunity to get familiar with the new joint master's program "Management Information Systems" signed between ASUE and Zwickau University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Some questions have been discussed such as what conditions the program offers, who can apply, how long the study period is, what knowledge and skills it will provide to the future specialists that were thoroughly introduced within the frames of the information-rich day dedicated to the new educational program.

Anush Isoyan, an employee of ASUE International Relations Division, has introduced the engaging nature, peculiarities, and scholarship opportunities of the double degree master's program in the field of management and computer science, then presented the details of the application procedure, the document processing, information related to the education and accommodation opportunities for an exchange student, and answered the participants' questions posed.

For more detailed information about the project please click here.