Interest in International Educational and Exchange Programs Unites Armenian and Foreign Students

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About 30 young people from different countries are in Armenia and were hosted at Armenian State University of Economics to take part in the seminar/training course entitled "Neet to Work" organized by the German "Copernicus Berlin" Association with joint efforts of ASUE. Seminars, courses, new acquaintances, walks: daily life of the workshop participants is quite full. In parallel with the courses, they have already managed to get acquainted with Yerevan, to be in the cozy corners of our country.

Robert Arshakyan has visited Armenia again, but it is the first time he is hosted at the University of Economics. He was born in Gyumri and moved to Kiev with his family in 2002. He is currently studying at the Faculty of International Economics and Management at Kiev University of Economics. As he states, he tries to come to Armenia every year in order not to forget his homeland and friends.

Robert participates in the programs of Copernicus Berlin Association for the first time. He is glad that Armenia is the country where he has the honor to be hosted within the frames of the program. He is positively impressed by ASUE.

"We were very warmly hosted at the Armenian University of Economics, the students are modern and have innovative thinking. The University is very beautiful, renovated, the conference hall is provided with modern technical means. These are circumstances that may seem unimportant at first sight, but are very important for foreign guests"; Robert said frankly while being interviewed with

The expectations from the program are great, Robert is going to use the acquired knowledge and experience only for the benefit of Armenia.

"We must use every opportunity to develop our country, economy, increase its place and role in the region. And the youth is the foundation that will bear the difficult but responsible task of building the future. Agriculture, information technologies and energy: I think these are the directions that will ensure the sustainable development of our country. In this regard, we must use every opportunity to cooperate with the European Union"; Robert noted.

Paylak Torosyan is an Egyptian-Armenian, lives in Germany, studies economics at the University of Berlin. It is already the fifth time he arrives in Armenia. He has great expectations from "Neet to Work" seminar, he has learned a lot from Armenian students, and he gladly shares his knowledge with them.

"It is obvious that the organizers of the seminar spare no effort to make us feel more comfortable here. The University of Economics welcomed us very warmly, everything is very beautiful, comfortable, there are all the conditions for holding our meetings and seminars effectively"; Paylak said.

One of the participants of the seminar Kristina Soboleva from the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg.

It's my first time in Armenia as well as the first Erasmus+ training. It's an honourable opportunity to be selected to represent my country, the Russian Federation and try my best to make a practical impact in the society.

I really love Armenia as well as the hospitality of the Armenian people. Although citizens don't always speak English, I feel comfortable and peaceful because in most cases people speak Russian and there are no communication problems or cultural barriers between us.

As for the "NEET to work" training, I would say that it's a wonderful chance for the youth to establish business connections, share our valuable experience, find friends from different parts of the world and explore the topic discussed in the detail.

In the coming days, we will have the opportunity to talk to Armenian and foreign students during a seminar entitled "Human Change Not Climate Change" organized jointly by the Copernicus Berlin Association and the University of Economics, which is scheduled for September 15-23.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division