From ASUE student to ASUE employee: Arpine Manucharyan

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Our hero is Arpine Manucharyan, graduate student of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, an employee of ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division.

- What did you gain from your university education?

- I studied at the faculty of marketing and business organization. I can state that university education not only provides you with professional knowledge but it helped develop necessary soft skills, such as communication and time management, as well as problem-solving skills. One should also gain networking skills during university years.

- What is your daily motivation to work?

- The main motivation is to develop professionally, to achieve new successes that will make people close to me be proud of me as well.

- What is your advice to freshmen?

- Priority should be given to reading a lot, actively participating in the events held at the university, being proactive, and never giving up whatever the case.