Ongoing Effective Cooperation of ASUE and "Rosgosstrakh-Armenia": This Year's Scholarship Certificates Were Awarded

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Since 2019, the Armenian State University of Economics and "Rosgosstrakh-Armenia" Insurance Company have been cooperating effectively, and ASUE students' interest towards the company's programs are the vivid evidence of it. The company awards scholarships to ASUE best students every year within the frames of that cooperation.

Today, the certificates of the 2021-2022 academic year were awarded. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted Anahit Astabatsyan, Head of Human Resource Management Department, Lusine Gevorgyan, Head of Personnel Recruitment Department and the student-awardees accompanied by Ashot Mardoyan, Head of ASUE Chair of Banking and Insurance.

ASUE Rector greeted those present, expressing joy for the effective cooperation mentioned that the demand for qualified personnel in the field of insurance was great, in that context ASUE cooperation with reputable insurance companies was aimed at preparing competitive personnel. Diana Galoyan stressed the readiness to deepen the cooperation, emphasizing that it would contribute to the development of the insurance sphere. The Head of the University suggested the representatives of the company to continue presenting the activities and programs of the company to ASUE students through open lectures, trainings, presentations, at the same time noting that most of ASUE graduates work in the best companies and state structures.

Anahit Astabatsyan, Head of Human Resource Management Department of "Rosgosstrakh-Armenia" Insurance Company, thanked Rector Diana Galoyan for the effective cooperation, emphasizing that within the frames of the partnership ASUE 18 students were awarded scholarships since 2009, and most of them joined the insurance company later. Lusine Gevorgyan added that by awarding the annual scholarships, they want both to provide material support to students, and enable them to get acquainted with the company's activities and get involved in practical work. The representatives of the company highlighted the role of Ashot Mardoyan in the establishment of bilateral cooperation.