A day full of positive emotions and knowledge at ASUE: “ASUE autumn camp 2022” has started

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“ASUE autumn camp-2022” has started at the University of Economics and has grouped four dozens of schoolchildren from all provinces of the republic. These schoolchildren were chosen from 150 applicants, and will spend two days at ASUE and listen to lectures on topical issues, will get familiar with ASUE study programs and projects, will get familiar with opportunities to study in foreign countries by participating in international exchange programs.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, head of Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan and President of the Student Council Arev Manukyan have welcomed the participants of the autumn camp.

“I am sure that the two days spent at ASUE will become a yardstick for you to choose the right profession in the future. I ensure that you will find new friends here as well as will obtain new knowledge”.

The schoolchildren were interested in the lectures of the first day of the camp presented by the expert from Central Bank of Armenia Araks Manucharyan who spoke about money, how to manage it and not to be governed by money, the lecturer of ASUE Chair of Marketing Grisha Amirkhanyan who took participants to the world of digital marketing and the agent from Rosgosstrakh Armenia who has presented risks and insurance.

This was followed by delicious breaks and engaging games.