ASUE autumn camp 2022 two-day educational and practical meeting has finished

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”ASUE autumn camp 2022” is a reality. Around 40 schoolchildren from different provinces had an opportunity to take part in this two-day meeting at the University of Economics and listen to professional lectures, and gain new knowledge, skills and teamwork skills.

During these two days, the schoolchildren listened to professional lectures followed by very lively question and answer sessions.

ASUE post-graduate student Aida Mirumyan, employee of Lifelong Learning Division Lusine Khurshudyan and head of Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics Yevgenia Bazinyan have lectured on significance of economics, opportunities as well as importance and perspectives of STEM education.

The practical component of the camp was the presentation of the business plan highly appreciated by participants. Military industry, tourism, hospitality business, finance and banking, telecommunications and education were the directions that schoolchildren had to develop and prepare their business plans. The teams had to decide on the name, logo, and slogan of their organization, choose their target audience, design business development strategy and identify their competitors.

All camp participants were awarded ASUE brand souvenirs and certificates.

For more detailed information, please see the Armenian Version.

Photos can be seen on ASUE Facebook page.