ASUE-Copernicus Berlin: Effective Cooperation

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On May 31, a series of international seminars aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills started at our University, which was organized within the framework of ASUE cooperation with the German "Copernicus Berlin" Association.

During these days, 106 young people from 12 countries had a wonderful opportunity to exchange knowledge, experience, skills, to get to know and discover new realities through intercultural, interpersonal communication.

During the seminars on "Women in Business", "Strengthening Entrepreneurship for Young People", "Think Over Before Publishing", the participants listened to lectures on gender equality, the use of digital technologies, youth entrepreneurship, organized interactive discussions, as well as got acquainted with the Armenian education system. Today, they came to a conclusion that a very interesting, full and productive period ended with significant achievements and vivid impressions.

Anzhelika Musayelyan, Head of ASUE International Relations Division, assures; "The format of cooperation between our University and Copernicus Berlin Association is effective and promises new perspectives, and the preliminary agreements reached with the participants, creates real opportunities for new collaborations. The efforts of ASUE Leadership were aimed at both organizational and substantive activity. Manvel Keshishyan, USAID Armenia Mission Representative, lectured at the seminars hosted at ASUE. Among the invited lecturers were representatives of leading Armenian business organizations, who also hosted the participants, introducing them to their successful entrepreneurship experience. Our University students were involved as voluntears and supported the participants, introduced them to the educational and internationalization programs of our University”.

Today, talked to some of the participants.

Alexandra Pavlyuchenko, an employee of the Faculty of World Politics at Moscow State University (Russia), noted, that it’s the first time she participated in the event and she was pleasantly surprised at how well organized and effective it was. "On the very first day of the meeting, we got acquainted and managed to learn each other's names. This is a measure of non-formal education, and the topics of the seminars were very interesting, for example, active debates, discussions, lively exchange of ideas were held on "digital trace" seminar. And your University, as an academic environment, warmly hosted and greatly impressed us. The students kindly and friendly supported and guided us”; A. Pavlyuchenko noted.

Igor Galitsky, a representative of the Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine), said that he has a lot of experience in international educational cooperation (he has participated in "Erasmus +" programs for 5 times), and highly evaluates the one organized by "Copernicus Berlin" and ASUE, in terms of interdisciplinary and intercultural communication and efficiency. He stated, that such events are not only an opportunity to exchange new knowledge, new experience, but also new acquaintances and views, which promise new prospects for cooperation.

Artemi Bobrov, a researcher at the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the Russian Academy of Sciences, emphasized the involvement of knowledgeable and highly qualified speakers in the seminars, the unique methodology used in the lectures. "The breaks of the seminars were even organized in such a way that not only we relax and refresh through physical exercises, but we also got in touch with each other and got to know each other better. I highly appreciate this opportunity: people with high intellectual capacity came together to exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences, which was very effective".

Our participants spoke about Armenia and Yerevan in such a warm manner, adding that the seminars are over, but they can still enjoy the beautiful summer of Yerevan and visit historical and cultural sites for a few days.

P.S. As we covered a few days ago, the participants have attended not only seminars, but also participated in various sports and cultural events, tasted delicious Armenian dishes, learned national dances, and visited the sights of Armenia.

The event was carried out by the efforts of ASUE International Relations Division.

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