Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities of ASUE Signed Memorandum with Public Services Regulatory Commission

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University of Economics expands its cooperation with Armenian state structures. Yesterday, Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities of ASUE signed memorandum with Public Services Regulatory Commission aimed at promoting the implementation of the "Service" education program related to public services regulated fields, the expansion of the scope of scientific research and study themes, the training and retraining of highly qualified specialists, as well as strengthening and developing the further State-University cooperation.

The interaction document was signed by the Head of the Chair, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mikayel Melkumyan and Deputy the Commission Chairman Mikayel Soghomonyan.

It’s planned to conduct educational visits and practical trainings for students of service specialty within the frames of the cooperation, the presentation of new scientific approaches and mechanisms by the Chair on tools and (or) legal acts applied by the Commission, as well as the formation of new platforms agreed between the parties.

Associate Professor of the Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities Frida Baharyan and Assistant Professor Andranik Shekyan were present at signing of the memorandum.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division