ASUE Experts Attended “My Step for Ararat Marz” Forum

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On May 4, on the initiative of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of Armenia and the regional administration of Ararat, the "My Step for Ararat Marz" investment business forum and EXPO exhibition of local products took place.

Economic main University got a participation invitation. Armen Grigoryna, Director of AMBERD research center, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor and Samvel Avetisyan, senior expert of the Center, Doctor of Economics, Professor, attended the forum, and Armen Grigoryan held the plenary session.

Prof. Samvel Avetisyan delivered a speech on “Issues of Socio-Economic Development of the Marz”.

"Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Ararat regional administration and our university, AMBERD research center implements investment programs evaluation for Ararat Marz and participating in the forum we presented our approaches to the development of the Marz”; Armen Grigoryan stated.

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ASUE Media and Public Relations Division