ASUE Hero-student Yuri Should Become a Financier: Your Memory is Immortal

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We are saddened to announce that Yuri Chilingaryan, 1st year student of ASUE Faculty of Finance /part-time/, was killed while defending the homeland in the Artsakh-Azerbaijani war.

He has been admitted to ASUE with a dream of becoming a financier and was conscripted into Army on January 2020 to fulfill his sacred duty. Faithful to the military oath, Yuri defended the homeland with his life.

"He was our smart, purposeful student. Alas, he did not have time to study, but from the very first moment of coming to ASUE the urge to specialize radiated in his eyes. I remember him as a dignified, polite young man. Yuri had the features and posture of a nobleman and he became the embodiment of the image of a noble Armenian. We bow our heads in memory of our hero"; the Dean of the Faculty of Finance Vahe Mikayelyan noted.

Eternal glory.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division