ASUE Representative Lectured on Tax System Issues at University of Economics - Varna

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ASUE cooperation with European universities is continuously expanding. The regular visit within the frames of “Erasmus +” program was at University of Economics – Varna. On May 27-31, Anna Sargsyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, lectured on “Tax Reforms in Armenia” and “Micro and Macroeconomics of Taxation”. Anna Sargsyan stated that besides Bachelor’s degree students , both professors and PhD students of the Chair of Economics and International Economic Relations attended her lectures. Then our delegate met Associate Professor Kaloyan Kolev, discussed interuniversity cooperation opportunities, issues relating training courses, education system, current problems of economics education, opportunities for joint participation in research projects.

Within the frames of the visit Anna Sargsyan got acquainted with the activity of Research Center on Globalization and Foreign Direct Investments of the University of Economics – Varna. A preliminary agreement has been reached with Prof. Zoya Mladenova, PhD on collaborative research activities.

Let’s recall, that ASUE 2 students of the Faculty of Finance: Arpine Tadevosyan and Srbuhi Chalikyan study at University of Economics – Varna, and Anna Sargsyan met them (see the last photo).

International Relations Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department coordinates “Erasmus +” program at ASUE.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division