ASUE lecturer visited Democritus University within the frames of Erasmus+

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On May 23-27, lecturer of ASUE chair of Marketing Hermine Poghosyan within the frames of Erasmus+ academic staff mobility program visited Democritus University (Greece).

During the visit, ASUE lecturer had meetings and got acquainted with new people especially Director of Department of International Relations of Democritus University Eleni Mavridou and employees of the department, coordinator of the Division of International Relations of the Faculty of Economics Anna Agrapetidou, Professor of the same faculty Teophilos Papadimitriu, Professor Periklis Gogas and other members of the academic staff.

During the visit, Hermine Poghosyan lectured “Marketing strategies” within the frames of the “Business strategies and models” discipline at the Faculty of Economics.

Before the start of the lecture, by means of the video clip, ASUE lecturer demonstrated Armenia and presented ASUE.

During her visit, Hermine Poghosyan was present at the final ceremony of master’s degree students and diploma award ceremony.

In the nearest future, Professors T. Papadimitrou and P. Gogas of the above-mentioned University of Economics will soon visit ASUE.