ASUE Lecturers - Champions of the Powerlifting Championship

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Within the framework of the "Lecturer's Cup" inter-university games organized by our University every year, the powerlifting championship took place yesterday, in which 5 Universities participated. ASUE was represented by Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of the Chair of Physical training, Emergency Situations, Civil Defense, Arman Gulyan, Lecturer at the same Chair, Vardan Vlasyan, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management. We are happy to announce that all 3 of our lecturers have registered success. Vardan Vlasyan and Arman Gulyan became champions, and Hovhannes Gabrielyan took the second place.

Let’s recall, the lecture sports event, started on January 29, will end on February 4, and the participants who took 1-3 places will be awarded prizes. See the previous publication.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division