ASUE lecturer has visited Democritus University

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On May 8-12, within the frames of "Erasmus+" academic staff mobility program, Mher Aghalovyan, Associate Professor at ASUE Chair of Higher Mathematics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, visited Democritus University of Thrace (Greece).

Mher Aghalovyan lectured on "Integrals", "Functions of multi-variables", "Linear algebra" within the frames of "Mathematics 2" for the 1st year students studying at the Department of Economics, related to their applications in economics. The interactive lessons were conducted as active question-and-answer sessions with students, as well as exchange of ideas.

ASUE scientist had business meetings with the representatives of Democritus University faculty and management, had private talks with the member of the management board of the university Evangelos Drumbetas and director of the Department of Economics Dimitrios Dimitriou, as well as discussed some issues concerning the implementation of joint projects, teaching methodology, and exchange of experience.