ASUE Rector awarded the winners of the SSS session with money awards and certificates

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The solemn ceremony of the 38th SSS session took place today at ASUE Conference Hall, which was attended by ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector on students and alumni affairs Sevak Khachatryan, Acting Dean of the Department of Accounting and Audit Mary Badalyan, Head of Science and Postgraduate Division, Khoren Mkhitaryan, head of the Chair Philosophy and Armenian History, professor Aram Sargsyan, Associate Professor at the Chair Sofya Ohanyan, SSS Chairman Mary Yeghiazaryan, administrative staff, students.
It should be reminded that the final stage of the University SSS session was held on June 2. We have posted the results:
1st place - Lilit Khachatryan (Finance department, Security Market Analysis and Management, bachelor’s 4 year) with "Investment Portfolio Management Issues in RA Stock Market",
2nd place - Ani Davtyan ( department of Management, Labor Economics, master’s 1 year) with "Ways to Improve Retirement System in CIS Countries",
3rd place - Liana Isayan (department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, theory of Economics, master’s 1 year) with "Institutions as the basic reason for long-term economic growth".
Sevak Khachatryan, referring to the organization of the SSS session, mentioned that the main goal was to enliven the student scientific life at the university, and taking into account the work done at the chairs, faculties, it can be stated that the goal was reached. He thanked everyone and noted that there were new suggestions to improve student scientific activity and they would be discussed in the new academic year.
ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, congratulated the SSS winners and participants, gladly noted that this SSS session had been active after some passive years.
SSS Chairman Mary Yeghiazaryan noted that 150 students took part in the session, and 15 of them were winners.
Head of Science and Postgraduate Division, Khoren Mkhitaryan emphasized that the final result of the SSS should be the publication of a scientific article. So a collection of SSS articles will be published in October.
After the speeches, Rector Koryun Atoyan handed the certificates to the winners. By the order of the rector the winners also will get money awards.
P.S. On the last photo you will find the final stage winners.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division