ASUE SSS session was summed up. The winners are known

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Final stage of the University SSS session was held in ASUE Session Hall on June 2. So we have winners.
1st place - Lilit Khachatryan (Finance department, Security Market Analysis and Management, bachelor’s 4 year) with "Investment Portfolio Management Issues in RA Stock Market",
2nd place - Ani Davtyan ( department of Management, Labor Economics, master’s 1 year) with "Ways to Improve Retirement System in CIS Countries",
3rd place - Liana Isayan (department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, theory of Economics, master’s 1 year) with "Institutions as the basic reason for long-term economic growth".
SSS Chairman Mary Yeghiazaryan informed that extended session will be held soon, where all the participants receive certificates and the winners of the department and university stages receive prizes. The reports will be reviewed by the editorial board and presented to be published as an article.
Congratulations to the winners.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division