ASUE Representative Attended NCIE Meeting-discussion

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On June 7, 2019, the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship organized a meeting-discussion dedicated to the World Environment Day called “A Clean, Healthy and Green Earth Planet” from the Series of Meetings with Authors and Scholars, aimed at highlighting the role of books in the modern information environment, as well as replenishing the collection of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Centre with valuable Armenian professional books.

The event was attended by officials of the Ministry of Environment of the RA, Armenian Universities, NGOs and other organizations. Samvel Avetisyan, Senior Expert of ASUE AMBERD research center, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, represented ASUE at the meeting, and Associate Professors of the Chair of Environmental Economics Alisa Gevorgyan, Anna Karapetyan, Assistant Professors Nora Ayvazyan, Nadezhda Afyan participated as attendees.

Samvel Avetisyan submitted detailed information regarding the discussion.

The discussion was led by Levon Gharibyan, head of the Scientific and Technical Library, who presented the authors and the importance of their publications, the environmental biotechnological methods used for the protection of the environment, the environment and environmental safety issues, Recycle It project in Armenia: development of circular economy, formation of waste sorting and recycling culture.

Then, the authors summed up the issues discussed in their books

Samvel Avetisyan, Senior Expert of ASUE AMBERD research center, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, presented the publication “The International Practice of Innovative Methods of Natural Resources Use and its Possibilities of Implementation in Armenia", where current trends in the use of natural resources have been studied. Then ASUE scientist spoke about “The Assessment of Socio-Economic Consequences of Climate Change and the Realization of Adaptation Arrangements in Armenia” book.

The authors were awarded with Certificate of application for donating valuable books to the library.

For participants, the Library's thematic exhibition  was opened.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division