Scientific Board approved ASUE 2018-2022 strategic plan

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Scientific Board’s session was held today at the Armenian State University of Economics, where ASUE Rector, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific Board, Koryun Atoyan congratulated his colleagues on starting a new academic year. The Rector also congratulated the newly elected members of the Scientific Board and wished them success. He also congratulated Sos Khachikyan and Nelly Shahnazaryan on the anniversary. Koryun Atoyan presented the working plan for the 2018-2019 academic year’s first semester and Scientific Board approved it. Vice-Rector on Educational-Methodological Matters, Paruyr Kalantaryan presented ASUE 2018-22 development strategic plan noting that it was a result of a deep research and discussions. Scientific Board approved the strategic plan and now it would be presented to ASUE Board. Then ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan introduced the head of the Chair of Management, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the RA NAS, Yuri Suvaryan and the head of the Chair of Philosophy and History of Armenia, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aram Sargsyan to award them with “ASUE Honorary Head of the Chair” titles. The members of Scientific Board welcomed the initiation, mentioning that they highly appreciate the nominees' activities and work done for our University. Yuri Suvaryan and Aram Sargsyan also expressed their gratitude for this attitude, noting they were ready to support the younger generation with their knowledge and experience. The Scientific Board approved granting honorary titles to scientists.
Vice-rector Paruyr Kalantaryan presented the issue of reorganization by connection of the Anti-crisis and Tourism Management Chair and it was also approved.
Vice Rector of Science and International relations Gagik Vardanyan reminded about the annual conference and urged colleagues to active participation. The details of annual conference are available here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division