New project "ASUE STEM Camp"

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The "ASUE STEM Camp" took place on March 30 at the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics, welcoming 11th- and 12th-grade students from high schools across Armenia. Over two dozen students from various provinces including Yerevan, Kotayk, Armavir, Ararat, Aragatsotn, Tavush, and Lori convened here and had a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge professions in economics as well as gain insights into ASUE admission procedures.

Armen Grigoryan, the Acting Rector of ASUE, extended a warm welcome to all the participants underlining the commitment of the university to fostering such initiatives. He expressed his delight in witnessing the continued increase of such programs, highlighting their importance in supplementing formal education with informal learning opportunities for pupils and students as well.

ASUE professors, including Evgenya Bazinyan, Head of the Chair of Economic and Mathematical Methods, Argam Artashyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economic Informatics and Information Systems, and Anush Shirinyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Statistics, delivered engaging presentations and speeches on various topics relevant to the attendees.

Zhora Stepanyan and Lusine Khurshudyan, Chief Specialists of ASUE Continuing Education Division, introduced ASUE's study programs and student projects, in addition to outlining opportunities for students to continue their studies abroad.

At the conclusion of the event, all attendees were awarded the certificates of participation.

Photos of the event are on ASUE official Facebook page.