Director of ASUE External Relations Department as a participant of Deep Dialogues 2024

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Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, attended Deep Dialogues 2024 being invited by the Armenian branch of the British Council as a member of the Armenian delegation. The event took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from March 13 to 15.

Deep Dialogues 2024 was a three-day series of events focusing on the topic "Measurable and Sustainable Internationalization and Transnational Education." It featured workshops, group and panel discussions, as well as comprised professional speeches.

Delegates from over 30 countries joined the event, including leaders of internationalization of the university sector, experts, and representatives from state educational institutions.

During the event, Lusine Danielyan delivered speeches addressing topics namely university internationalization and transnational education. She also had meetings with the representatives from universities and governmental bodies in the education sector, spanning across more than 30 countries. According to these interactions, preliminary agreements were reached with British and other universities, aiming to explore potential cooperation models in transnational education and to outline practical steps as well.

The series of Deep Dialogues events of the British Council is a unique platform for effective dialogue between the stakeholders of the sector, exchange of best practices, establishment of international collaboration, and promotion of transnational education. ASUE highly appreciates this opportunity for effective dialogue and comprehensive cooperation with the British Council.