ASUE Student-hero Shot Down 3 UAVs During the War: Now He is on a Short Vacation and Visited the University

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ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division goes on introducing  readers ASUE students, who distinguished themselves in the war by their feats. Today our hero is the 1st year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing Martin Baghdasaryan. During the war, he guarded the border in the Akna region (Aghdam).

Martin is an air defense specialist and on the days of the fateful war for the Armenian people he applied his knowledge in military affairs. Having served for just one year, Martin has demonstrated the qualities required of an air defense specialist and has shown himself to be the best. In different periods of the Artsakh-Azerbaijan war, he managed to shoot down 3 enemy UAVs. For his feats, the commander presented him to the medal “For Courage”. Martin is from Agarak village of Ashtarak region.He was conscripted to the army  in January 2020, 13 months left until the end of his service. He is serving in Askeran and is currently on an additional 7-day leave., taking the opportunity, contacted with Martin, who did not want to call himself a hero, although he admitted that everybody call hima a hero, and this is certainly very pleasant, but at the same time very obliging.

The the other day the hero was at the University, which he managed to miss, met with fellow students. Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing Meri Badalyan met Martin and a first-year student of the same faculty Aram Martirosyan, who is in the service and also distinguished himself for his feats (you can read our article about Aram here). The Dean talked with the guys, thanked them, wished them peace and fortitude. While being interviewed, Martin noted that he was leaving for the service tomorrow and had already promised his classmates and members of the Student Council (he is a member of the Student Council) that he would definitely return in a year to enjoy student life.

We look forward to your return, dear Martin!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division