The 32nd Anniversary of the Devastating Spitak Earthquake: Lesson-seminar at ASUE

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Today is the 32nd anniversary of the devastating Spitak earthquake. On this day, the Armenian State Economic University traditionally organizes not only events dedicated to the Memorial Day, but also holds information seminars, aimed at analyzing this tragic disaster, assessing the consequences, etc. In addition, the seminars pursue an equally important goal - to inform the public, to prepare them for possible disasters, from which, according to experts, you can get out with much less human and material losses if you are informed and prepared for them.

Today, at the initiative of Associate Professor at the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense  Siranush Harutyunyan and lecturer of the same Chair Neda Petrosyan, held a lesson-seminar entitled "Disaster Risk Management" dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the Spitak earthquake at the first year of the Faculty of Marketing. The online lesson-seminar was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization Narek Kesoyan, Deputy Dean Ara Mkrtchyan, Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Hovhannes Gabrielyan, and the expert of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Vahan Harutyunyan and chief specialist of the “Kentron” community of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Gayane Hayrapetyan.

See the details of the event in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division