ASUE Students Winning “INGO ARMENIA” Grant Competition are Known

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On July 17, the grant competition announced by INGO ARMENIA in cooperation with insurance-analytical website for ASUE students was summed up. The analytical teams representing ASUE 4 Faculties (Management, Finance, Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Computer Science and Statistics) presented the results of two-month-research to the competitive commission during the presentation.

Arevshat Meliksetyan, Executive Director of INGO ARMENIA company, Levon Kocharyan, Head of Underwriting Division and representatives of the company leadership, Ashot Mardoyan, Head of ASUE Chair of Banking and Insurance, Tatevik Vardanyan, Head of ASUE Career Center, attended the event. The latter, presenting the competition requirements, emphasized that our students were excellently prepared, had studied the topics in depth, had conducted field study: compiling questionnaires, conducting surveys, and they were able to present the research results comprehensively and competently.

Here is the winning team: the third year students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics (members: Lilit Ghazaryan, Milana Husikyan, Angelina Aghababyan, Geghetsik Dallakyan, research topic: “Assessment of Insurance Recognition in the Republic of Armenia Based on Polls”, 300.000 AMD), and the other teams shared the 2nd and 3rd places ( research topics: “Possibility of Introducing Life Insurance Together with Banking and Pension Products” and “Insuretech - Digital Insurance Companies in the World and Opportunities to Establish Such a Company in Armenia”, 100.000 AMD to each team).

The participants were awarded Thank-You Letters.

While being interviewed Tatevik Vardanyan mentioned that the human resources management department of INGO ARMENIA company is ready to invite all the participants of the competition to individual interviews, observing the opportunity of internship or job in INGO ARMENIA.

Ashot Mardoyan, Head of ASUE Chair of Banking and Insurance, thanked the leadership and staff of INGO ARMENIA company, emphasizing that such events enrich the educational process with practical knowledge, research experience, and later become a precondition for high-quality professional work.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division