The Main Outcomes of ASUE Activities of the Last Year were Summed up at the Scientific Board’s Extended Session

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Today, the extended  session of Scientific Board was  held at ASUE Big Hall with one agenda item. Members of ASUE academic an administrative  staffs, students were  present. Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, presented the agenda item, that’s, the  report on “Outcomes of Academic and Financial-economic Activities of Armenian State University of Economics in 2019”  and  gave the floor to Diana Galoyan, ASUE acing Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor.

Before presenting the main outcomes of last year's activities, the Head of the University noted that she had tried to go beyond the standard format of reports and present the outcomes of ASUE activities not according to directions, but according to objectives of the development strategy and action plan for 2018-2022.

It’s decided to approve the report of “Outcomes of Academic and Financial-economic Activities of Armenian State University of Economics in 2019” by votes of the participants  and to submit it for discussion and approval by ASUE Board.

At the end, the Head of the University thanked the staff for their trust and congratulated them on the upcoming holidays, wished them health, happiness and peace, and wished our University to become the best one of the Republic in next year with its ongoing development and progress. Vice Rector Tatul Mkrtchyan also congratulated those present wishing them health and welfare.

Note, the report  will be  available  at ASUE official website under “Reports” section in January.

After the extended  session the Scientific Board discussed and approved one current item, that’s,  the approval and reaffirmation of dissertations and scientific supervisors.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division