The Contest for the best cooperation plan/vision with RI/Academia Has Been Summed Up: The Winners are Known

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On November 16, the final online event of the contest announced for the promotion of "Business-research Infrastructure" communication within the frames of the international “Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” project was held. SMEs in Armenia interested in developing a research component in their business participated in the contest.

Welcoming the participants of the contest, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan noted that the University of Economics has been actively cooperating with companies interested in the project for more than a year, and is hopeful that the successful experience accumulated in the Visegrad countries will be applied to us.

"The project is very important for us, we have done our best to implement it and to support the target groups. Today we can confidently talk about positive outcomes, we can see how SMEs have developed their vision of cooperation, which will be a great stimulus for others"; Diana Galoyan stated.

Arpine Jraghatspanyan, chief specialist of ASUE International Relations Division, presented the 8 SMEs, which have presented their vision of cooperation with science and overcame the 1st stage of the contest and noted that the contest aimed to develop and to gather the vision of cooperation of enterprises with representatives of the research infrastructure, which will later serve as a tool to strengthen the relations between them. According to ASUE representative, this will give an opportunity to ensure the sustainable development and advancement of SMEs, to support research companies in commercializing their research.

The 8 best participants of the 1st stage of the contest presented their visions of communication with the research infrastructure during the online meeting, answered the questions. According to the pre-developed assessment criteria, European experts (partners of the project) summarized the outcomes of the contest and announced the names of the 3 best ones, which were awarded.

Here are the winning companies: “Symphony of Nature”, “GebeCert” and “AIP Tech”.

“Symphony of Nature”, the first prize winner, will have the opportunity to develop research and development (R&D) perspectives by Grant Thornton Consulting.

“GebeCert”, the second prize winner, will conduct a market study by CREO Project Solutions.

“AIP Tech”, the third prize winner, will provide business consulting (or business development training) by the support of CREO Project Solutions.

The winning participants will also have the opportunity to sign agreements with the project's foreign and local partners to work with them in the nearest future.

Let’s recall, the contest has been organized by the Armenian State University of Economics and Tbilisi State University within the frames of “Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” project.

The project aimed to commercialize scientific research and to promote a culture of enterprise-research infrastructure communication in Armenia and Georgia, based on the successful experience of Visegrad partner countries.

The project is co-funded by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through grants from the Visegrad International Fund. The mission of the Fund is to promote the ideas of sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.